Gwilym Sims-Williams.

Writer. Producer. Storyteller.

Hey, my name’s Gwilym 👋

I’m a YouTube scriptwriter, producer, and consultant.

I produce Bryan Johnson’s 1M+ subscriber YouTube channel.

I’ve also scripted 20+ YouTube videos as Ali Abdaal’s chief writer, getting 14 million views, and written 60+ issues of Ali’s 500k-subscriber newsletter.

Other clients I’ve worked with include Leila Gharani, Oliur/Ultralinx, Matt Gray, Fitt Capital, and the University of Cambridge.

Before working in YouTube I studied English at Cambridge, and graduated top of my year at Edinburgh.

Gwilym’s Newsletter

Want tactical analysis from a YouTube scriptwriter & producer?

If so, sign up to my newsletter.

What to expect in your inbox:

  • ✍️ Advanced scriptwriting tips
  • 🗺️ Strategic analysis of recent videos + trends
  • 👨‍💻Advice on running a world-class YouTube team

Want to work with me?

Here’s how I can help:

📝 YouTube Scriptwriting

  • Personal, well-researched video scripts
  • Multiple rounds of feedback to perfect each script.

🔬 YouTube Consulting

  • Hire me to consult on your YouTube channel or scripts, either as a one-off or on a recurring basis.
  • We’ll discuss how you can improve your videos, and present ideas in a clear, engaging way.

Contact me here and I’ll aim to email you back within 48 hours.

My work with Ali Abdaal


📝 YouTube Scripts

I researched and wrote 20+ video scripts as Ali’s chief writer, getting 12,000,000+ views.

📮 Newsletter

As the main writer for Ali’s Sunday Snippets newsletter, I hit an average email open rate of 50%. Industry standard for creators is just 21.39%.

🎓 Courses

I designed & wrote Ali’s YouTube for Beginners + Camera Confidence courses. I also co-wrote his Creatorpreneur course.

Video Scripts


Contact Me

If you’re interested in working together, tell me about your project and I’ll aim to get back to you within 48 hours.

📮 Email

🐦 Twitter

👔 LinkedIn

📷 Instagram